Substance Abuse Isn’t the Only Kind of Addiction.
Quit obsessing and become engaged in Life again.
Compulsive Behaviors are just as destructive…to our families, friends, workplace, not to mention ourselves.
And all of a sudden “messy” takes on new meaning.
Does This Sound Familiar?
“Honest to God, I feel like I’m going crazy. Why am I acting out so much? What’s going on? What am I missing?“
I’ve been there too. And there’s a solution.
I remember the first time someone labeled me. Alcoholic. Addict. Bad. Weak.
I completely bought into the lie and negative stigma. I was frightened, ashamed, defensive and hurt. My lack of understanding kept me away from the help I needed.
I was 52 when I entered detox.
If I’d known the facts, maybe my life would have changed sooner. I hope it can help change yours.
What Is My Messy Recovery?
Demystifying Addiction, Alcoholism and Compulsive Behaviors
You are not crazy. You are not weak or weak-willed. You are not stupid or lacking.
Why Do I Act Out This Way?
I was shocked to realize these simple, life-changing truths when I entered detox. These are the A B Cs (Attitude and Behavior Changes) that transformed my life.

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What If I’m Just Curious or Asking for A Friend?
That’s okay, too. Seeking guidance or help is hard and scary at first. These 5 tips can help you or your friend feel better about reaching out.

Click the Icon for “Demystifying Compulsive Actions”
Where Do I go from Here?
If you’re ready to make a life change, I can help you gain clarity in a brief coaching session.

Contact me